Work Permits / Work Visas
Obtaining a work permit overseas is contingent on the quality of the candidate and the status of the company that employs him/her. Types of work permits, restrictions regarding possible types of employment and the possibility of employing a spouse vary from country to country (sometimes from city to city in the same country). Appropriate consulting and early planning will support in issuing the appropriate work visa.
Link to the article: “Tips for issuing work permits”
ORI has practical experience in issuing work permits & work visa
in Israel and more than 60 countries.
Residential Permits / Residential Visa
Residency visas are usually given for only a limited period of time. Handling the matter properly with the certifying authorities will assist in obtaining a residency visa for the appropriate period of relocation and/or for an extension without complications.
ORI has practical experience in issuing residential permits / visa
in Israel and more than 60 countries.
Entry Permits / Entry Visas
Visas to various countries differ depending on the reason for entering the country. Preparing the necessary documents well in advance and submitting them according to the criteria supports in receiving the visa rapidly and without complications.
ORI has by practical experience in issuing entry permits / visa
in israel and more than 60 countries.